Shopify Website Optimization Guide-Start by Building Customer Trust

Sept. 25, 2023
Why should we build customer trust?

Trust is the first step to winning customers. Only by establishing a relationship of mutual trust will customers be willing to make purchases and become loyal users. After the brand effect is formed, the benefits will follow:
Cultivate consumer loyalty: After the brand has generated a certain degree of fame and brand effect, e-commerce companies can use the brand’s advantages to expand the market and promote consumer brand loyalty.
Stable product prices: A strong brand can reduce price elasticity, improve adaptability to dynamic markets, and reduce future financial risks.
Reduce the risk of new products entering the market: When a new product enters the market, the risk is very high, and the investment cost is also very high. However, companies can use brand broadening to bring new products to the market, choose existing strong brands, and take advantage of their reputation. and brand effect, and update products accordingly.
Helps resist attacks from competitors: maintain core competitiveness. Once a new product is released to the market, if it sells well, it is very easy for competitors to imitate it.

How to build customer trust?

Building trust in your website is an important task, and here are some ways to help you achieve it:
Clear information presentation: Ensure that all information on the website is accurate, detailed and clear. This includes details about the company, product or service descriptions, return and exchange policies, privacy policies, and more. Make it easy for users to find the information they want.
Compliance: Prove that your website complies with various regulations and standards, such as GDPR and more. This can be achieved by displaying relevant certification badges or clearly stating how the privacy policy is implemented.
Security: Use secure payment methods and protect users’ personal information. For example, use HTTPS encryption and a secure payment gateway to protect user data and transactions.
Social proof: Show positive reviews from others or show how your brand has been mentioned or recommended by other reputable organizations or blogs.
Provide excellent customer service: Good customer service can enhance users’ trust. Provide immediate assistance via live chat, phone hotline, or email, and ensure customer service personnel are friendly, professional, and able to resolve user issues.
Transparent pricing strategy: Make sure all prices are clear and there are no hidden fees. Also, if there are promotions, make sure they are genuine and don’t make users feel cheated.
Detailed Returns and Refunds Policy: Provide a clear, fair return and refund policy and make sure the policy is real and not just a play on words.
Use trustworthy third-party tools: For example, using a third-party payment platform to process payments, using Google Analytics to collect and analyze user behavior data, etc., can increase user trust.
Provide a detailed privacy policy: Clearly explain how you collect and use user data, and how you keep that data secure. Make it clear to users how their data is used.
Consistency: Maintaining the consistency of the website, including brand image, design style, user experience, etc., will help build user trust.
These methods take time and effort to implement, but they are effective ways to build user trust.

How to guide customers to trust the website?

Through the introduction of the above concepts, we will have a certain understanding of trust in guidance. What is said above is relatively abstract and will be explained in practice from the following dimensions:
·Product value reflection
·Recognized social proof
·Diverse price tags
·Attractive product descriptions
·Detailed website policies

1 Product value reflection
In the e-commerce industry, product titles are one of the important means of displaying product value and are also the most intuitive point for customers.
Here are some ways to highlight your product’s value in your product title:
Highlight the core value of the product: Use the title to highlight the core value of the product, such as quality, price and service, so that customers can clearly understand the product.
Use concise language: Use concise and concise vocabulary to describe products, avoid complex vocabulary and sentence structures, so that customers can easily understand the product.
Emphasis on product advantages: Highlight the advantages of the product in the title, such as brand, functions and materials, so that customers can feel the uniqueness of the product.
Describe the purpose of the product: Describe the purpose and functions of the product in the title to let customers know what needs the product can meet.
Use keywords: Use keywords related to the product to make it easier for customers to search for the product.
Product naming formula:
Brand name + product name + differentiated selling points/additional functions/adjectives + audience group/applicable scenarios + model/size/capacity, etc.
For example: Name the product Huawei Mate 60 Pro
Huawei + Mate 60 Pro + 5G satellite call Hongmeng OS 4.0+ business flagship phone + Black 12GB+256GB

2 Recognized social proof
In the e-commerce industry, the most commonly recognized social proofs on product detail pages include the following:
2.1 Customers: Include social proof of existing customers or users
For example: the most common one is customer reviews (PS: comments with pictures)

2.2 Crowd: People who provide social proof
The most common one is social media sharing, which allows users to experience the true condition of the product and stimulate their desire to buy.
For example: unboxing videos of internet celebrities, recommended videos by internet celebrities, official website social media promotion, etc.
2.3 Experts: Social proof from reputable experts in the e-commerce industry
For example: expert endorsement
2.4 Friends: mutual recommendations from users
For example: Pinduoduo’s fission to recruit new users
2.5 Certification: A trusted third-party entity that certifies that the merchant is a knowledgeable, high-quality, or trustworthy source
For example: recognition from the leading evaluation website in the partner industry

By displaying this social proof on your product detail pages, you can increase trust and recognition of your product, thereby attracting more customers to purchase. For example, add real customer reviews and testimonials, product testimonials from famous people, certifications from authoritative organizations, etc. to the product details page. In addition, e-commerce companies can also provide detailed product information, real product photos and third-party testing reports to increase trust and recognition of products.

3 Diverse price tags
Price display v1: only displays the selling price and discounted price; Disadvantages: This does not seem to arouse people’s intuitive feelings. I only know that it costs 120 to buy this thing.

In common e-commerce scenarios, we try to reduce customer calculations as much as possible.

Price display v2: If you save more, the price discount will be displayed. When the discount is large, the discount will be displayed.

Price display v3: We can directly show discounted products in some specific promotions.

4 Attractive product descriptions
For example: The store is selling a pair of headphones, described as
High-quality stereo headphones that immerse you in the world of music

Improved version v1: Advantages: added details and details; Disadvantages: customers need to summarize, analyze and organize by themselves. We have talked about it before, we should try our best to make customers think less and get to the point directly.
This headphone features high-quality stereo technology that delivers clear, vibrant sound quality. Whether you’re listening to music at home or working out at the gym, this headphone is the perfect choice for you. This headphone is made of comfortable and durable material and designed to be lightweight and portable. This headphone features noise-cancellation technology that allows you to enjoy pure music in various environments. By purchasing this headphone, you will gain access to high-quality sound experience and versatile additional features at an affordable price.

Improved version v2: Advantages: Based on v1, a summary is made and the key points are classified and organized. Disadvantages: The focus is still not outstanding enough
✅Features: This headphone features high-quality stereo technology that delivers clear, vibrant sound quality.
✅Applications: Whether you’re listening to music at home or working out at the gym, this headphone is the perfect choice for you.
✅Materials and Design: This headphone is made of comfortable and durable material and designed to be lightweight and portable.
✅Additional Features: This headphone features noise-cancellation technology that allows you to enjoy pure music in various environments.
✅Value: By purchasing this headphone, you will gain access to high-quality sound experience and versatile additional features at an affordable price.

Improved version v3: Advantages: Based on v2, a summary is made, the key points are classified and organized, and the key points are highlighted.
✅Features: This headphone features high-quality stereo technology that delivers clear, vibrant sound quality.
✅Applications: Whether you’re listening to music at home or working out at gym, this headphone is the perfect choice for you.
✅Materials and Design: This headphone is made of comfortable and durable material and designed to be lightweight and portable.
✅Additional Features: This headphone features noise-cancellation technology that allows you to enjoy pure music in various environments.
✅Value: By purchasing this headphone, you will gain access to high-quality sound experience and versatile additional features at an affordable price.

5 Detailed website policies
Our common policies include the following categories: transportation policy, return and exchange policy, customer support, payment policy, privacy policy, etc. These policies may not seem very eye-catching, but these are exactly the issues that users are concerned about. It is also one of the fundamental reasons for customers to trust your website.
In the layout of the website, we often see the following policy tips, which are simple and clear. Generally, it can be added to the homepage or details page.

If customers want to see more detailed policies, how should we display them by category on the details page?

5.1 Transportation policy
Formula: Receiving Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time
Many people don’t actually pay much attention to this detail. The expected delivery time is usually not marked on the website, or even the estimated time it takes for customers to receive the goods is not listed. This is quite dangerous. Imagine if a customer cannot even know the expected arrival time when purchasing a product on a website, will the customer doubt the credibility of the website? For such a well-known merchant, when will the products arrive? Customers may contact you through customer service, or they may even leave the site because they are dissatisfied.
Therefore, the author feels that it is necessary to add this transportation time limit.
Shipping Policy v1: Advantages: The expected order time is written; Disadvantages: How are working days defined? You see, you are making customers think again. Let me emphasize again, don’t make customers think.
5-10 working days after placing order.

Shipping Policy v2: Advantages: The expected order arrival time is written, concise and clear
The expected arrival time of your order is 01/10/2023 – 06/10/2023
Transportation strategy v2 is relatively complete, but there are still shortcomings. The prefix “cross-border” in the term cross-border e-commerce brings certain uncertainties to the industry. Are the shipping times for goods shipped from China to Singapore and the United States the same? Obviously not, the distance directly affects the transportation time. One might say that we only need to set a maximum time interval. However, this is not advisable. A long time interval represents uncertainty. Consumers will feel uneasy about things that are beyond their control and may leave the website.

Shipping policy v3: The current version can configure different production time + shipping time according to different regions, and also displays the expected arrival time in the region. This looks much more perfect. For example, as shown below, the Singapore/US sub-tables are configured with different production times and delivery times.
SG: Production 3 – 5 Shipping 5 – 7 US: Production 7 – 10 Shipping 3 – 5

5.2 Return and exchange policy
An excellent after-sales service policy can reduce customer concerns. When customers make purchases on a new shopping website, it will be difficult to gain their trust if the after-sales service policy is unclear. We can learn from the after-sales service policy of the shein website, list and display it according to the steps, with pictures and texts, so that it looks more professional and can gain the trust of users.

5.3 Customer support
This needs to be formulated according to the marketing strategy of the personal website. Phone, email, WhatsApp, Facebook and Live Chat can be used as contact methods. If resources are limited, you can prepare a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page in as much detail as possible to guide users through pre-sales concerns in a categorized manner. For after-sales issues, follow-up can be handled by email or other methods. The FAQ page should be meticulous, with pictures and texts, and highlight key points to demonstrate professionalism.

5.4 Payment policy
You can add supported payment methods below the product purchase to win the trust of customers.

5.5 Privacy policy
Regarding the Cookie and Privacy Policy, this is also essential. As a professional cross-border website, we must comply with the strict regulations on privacy protection in European countries to avoid uncontrollable risks to the greatest extent.

Okay, the above is all about building customer trust. If you have better ideas, you are welcome to leave a message for communication. Dear operators/webmasters, it is recommended to refer to these points to check whether there is room for improvement in your website. The next tip will be more exciting, so stay tuned.


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A2903, Yake Center, Puyan Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China

